Start Recycling

Recycling your USB drive is very easy.  If you are in question on whether this service is still going, please check our Press Page and you’ll see recent posts with big “thanks” to our donors.

Simply complete the following three steps:

Before you Start – Please Read:

This website does not e-recycle dead or non-working flash drives.
Do not send non-working flash drives

While on the subject… please send decent flash drives that work, are clean, not sticky or dirty. Keep in mind, these flash drives are DONATED TO LESS FORTUNATE KIDS.

Please send drives in the same condition as if giving to your own child, grandchild, niece or nephew.

Thank You!

Step 1:  Collect all eligible flash drives [Sugar requires 1GB or larger]

Step 2:  Send the USB drives to RecycleUSB

USB sticks are durable devices, however, they do require some amount of packaging during transit. Please use some level of packaging for the shipment.

  • Recycle USB
  • 13 Orchard Road, Ste 102
  • Lake Forest, CA 92630  USA
  • USA
  • +1 949 481 6478

Step 3: Include a note about your company along with the donated drives. In your note, give a description of what your business does and we’ll post about it with a link to your site. We get thousands of visitors each month, so spread the word, let the world know you’ve done something good.

If you would like to purchase flash drives and donate them to the cause, please contact RecycleUSB for more details.

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All donations go to Sugar Labs, a non-profit .org
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    [recaptcha] uses only Nexcopy Inc. USB Duplicator equipment for data loading of Sugar on a Stick.
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