The New Way To Recycle

Recycle USB is a website for people looking to recycle their USB flash drives for a better cause.

Send your USB to school.

Each donated drive is loaded with Sugar, making it Sugar on a Stick.  Sugar is a standalone computer operating system which runs off a USB flash drive.  Sugar is developed to provide children a free portable and interactive learning environment in a self contained thumb drive.

Sending your USB stick to a recycle center holds far less Good Will then sending your USB stick to a child wanting to learn.

Here is how the USB journey begins:

  • Step 1: Collect all your old and unused USB flash drives. **Sugar requires a minimum 1GB stick**
  • Step 2: Send your USB drive(s) to
  • Step 3: We receive the drives and perform a low-level format to clean the drive of any data.
  • Step 4: We then data load “Sugar On A Stick” operating system onto your donated USB flash drive to make the portable learning computer
  • Step 5: We send the finished product to Sugar Labs for deployment to any number of locations throughout the world.

Once Sugar Labs receives your donated drive, it is then deployed to any number of possible locations around the world.  Your generous donation could go to a child in Peru, or South Africa or Thailand!  Your flash drive will become a portable computer for a very lucky child.

This Good Will act of sending in your USB stick is far greater than recycling old components of a flash drive for a couple pennies in return

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All donations go to Sugar Labs, a non-profit .org
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    [recaptcha] uses only Nexcopy Inc. USB Duplicator equipment for data loading of Sugar on a Stick.
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